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Pronunciation and Notes

Published onJan 31, 2020
Pronunciation and Notes

Scene I

Fernao= Fer-nah-o.

Adeyas= A-day-ahs. A name at first given to the Bubis, now regarded as incorrect.

Bubis= Boo-bees.

Ibos= Ee-boes. 

Scene III

“Pass I sarbe,” i.e., “unless I serve.”

“sabby,” i.e., “savvy” = know. Cf. French savoir.

“lib,” i.e., “live.”

“so-tee-ee-eh.” This is long-drawn out. A graphic Kroo expression for “until” conveying the idea of a very long time.

“ober dey-dey,” i.e., “over there.”

“catch me house,” i.e., “arrive at my house.”

Scene IV.

Rio del Rey= Ree-o del Ray. (King’s River).

“Mr. Buckenham and the Luddingtons.” The former was buried at Calabar. Mr. and Mrs. Luddington returned to England to die from the effects of their service in Fernando Poo. Since the date of this scene the Rev. M. H. Barron and Mrs. Boocock have filled other graves.

Santa Isabel= Sant-a Is-a-bél.

“Barleycorn.” The Rev. William Napoleon Barleycorn, native missionary. Died, 1925.

“Ben Twajo.” Now the Rev. B. T. Showell, native missionary in Nigeria.

Bielo= Bee-ay-lo.

Biappa = Bee-ap-pah.

Banni= Bann-ee.

Menes= May-nays. Henry Hodge Mene and his family.

Opobo= Ö-po-bo

“God-palavar” i.e., religion. (pa-lah-ver).

Scene V. 

Ih= eeh (“yes”).

Okpotos= Ok-po-toes.

Oron= Ö-ron

Efik= Ef-ik         

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